Star-Studded Production Commemorates Deng Xiaoping's 120th Birth Anniversary On August 23rd, a groundbreaking television series titled "Marching to the Southwest" made its debut on China Central Television's prime-time slot. This major production arrives as a tribute to the 120th birth anniversary of Deng Xiaoping and the upcoming 75th anniversary of the founding of the People's Republic of China. "Marching to the Southwest" (走向大西南) is no ordinary television drama. It represents a collaborative effort between multiple provincial propaganda departments, including those of Sichuan, Guizhou, Jiangsu, Hubei, and Chongqing. The project also brought together an impressive array of production companies and cultural institutions, highlighting its significance as a national endeavor. The series, which took four years to complete from initial script development to final production, boasts an all-star cast and crew. Historical consultant Yang Shengqun (杨胜群), lead writer Zhang Qiang, and directors Wang Weimin and Jin Chen lend their expertise to the project. The cast features renowned actors such as An Rongsheng, Liu Zhibing, Zhang Tong, and Wang Like, among others, ensuring a powerful on-screen presence for this historical narrative. At its core, "Marching to the Southwest" aims to portray a pivotal period in Chinese history. The series focuses on the efforts of Deng Xiaoping,…...