The Legend of the White Snake - Traditional Hanfu Photography

The legend of "The Legend of the White Snake" has a long history and is one of the four great folk love legends of China. It describes a tortuous love story between snake spirit and human.

It expresses the people's admiration for the freedom of love between men and women and their hatred of the unreasonable restrictions imposed by the feudal forces, and has been used as the basis for a number of films and TV dramas and cartoons.

Today we bring you the Hanfu photography of the White Snake, I hope you enjoy it.

The Legend of the White Snake - Traditional Hanfu Photography

The Legend of the White Snake - Traditional Hanfu Photography

The Legend of the White Snake - Traditional Hanfu Photography

The Legend of the White Snake - Traditional Hanfu Photography

The Legend of the White Snake - Traditional Hanfu Photography

The Legend of the White Snake - Traditional Hanfu Photography

The Legend of the White Snake - Traditional Hanfu Photography

The Legend of the White Snake - Traditional Hanfu Photography

The Legend of the White Snake - Traditional Hanfu Photography

The Legend of the White Snake - Traditional Hanfu Photography

The Legend of the White Snake - Traditional Hanfu Photography

The Legend of the White Snake - Traditional Hanfu Photography

The Legend of the White Snake - Traditional Hanfu Photography

The Legend of the White Snake - Traditional Hanfu Photography

The Legend of the White Snake - Traditional Hanfu Photography

The Legend of the White Snake - Traditional Hanfu Photography

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2 Comment(s) A文章作者 M管理员
  1. pelangis821

    Legenda ular 🐍 putih belum nonton

  2. jenniferlit

    The photos came out beautiful.