Top 5 China's University for Foreign Students

In recent years, more and more foreign students have chosen to study in China. It's not at all surprising to see foreign students on a China campus. So you know which university has the most foreign students? This article will talk about Chinese universities with the most foreign students.

Top 5 Most Popular Universities in China for Foreign Students

1. Beijing Language and Culture University

At Beijing Language and Culture University, the ratio of foreign students to Chinese students is 7:3, which means this university has more foreign students than Chinese students and is the most foreign universities in China. As soon as you enter the campus, it's like being abroad, where you can see students from all over the world in what is teasingly called the Little United Nations.

So, if you want to learn the Chinese language and culture, this university is a good choice because you will meet a lot of your hometown.

2. Shanghai Foreign Studies University

Shanghai Foreign Studies University (SFSU) is the first institution of higher learning in foreign languages established after the founding of New China, and one of the first national key universities to enter the national "211 Project" and "Double First-class" world-class disciplines. At present, there are 6798 undergraduate students and 3645 graduate students; 4751 of them are foreign students, so the ratio of Chinese and foreign students in this university is almost 1:1.

Shanghai is a beautiful modern city, known as the Pearl of the Orient. It is believed to be a great joy to attend this university.

3. Tongji University

Tongji University was founded in 1907 by German physician Erich Bauron in Shanghai as a German medicine hall, and the university has always had close cooperation with Germany and Europe, so there are naturally many foreign students.

There are currently nearly 4,000 international students out of the 40,000 students on campus, and many are European and American. So if you're from Europe and America, you can easily blend in here.

4. Jinan University

Jinan University is the first Chinese university founded by the state, the highest overseas Chinese institution, directly under the leadership of the "Office of Overseas Chinese Affairs of the State Council", known as "China's first overseas Chinese university", is one of the best choices for students in Southeast Asia.

Jinan University has a fairly high reputation overseas, and many overseas Chinese choose to come to China to study at this school. The school has a large number of Chinese expatriates in it, and while you can't tell the difference from the local students by looks, it is indeed one of the schools with quite a few foreigners.

5. Fudan University

Fudan University, also located in Shanghai, is the most famous and powerful school in Shanghai. There are many top students from all over China, as well as professors from all over the world.

According to Fudan University, there are more than 3,000 foreign students, which is also very significant, because most of the famous universities in China have around 1,000 international students.

It's a good idea to apply to Fudan University if you want to stay and work in Shanghai later. Of course, it won't be easy, as the competition is fierce.

These are the five universities with the most foreign students in China. In addition to these, there are also Tsinghua University, Peking University, Wuhan University, etc., and the number of international students is also very high. For detailed application procedures and requirements, please visit the university's website.

Finally, I wish you all success in your studies.

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2 Comment(s) A文章作者 M管理员
  1. ivoci


  2. Carottie

    It´s quite suprising that on some schools study more foreigners than Chinese. I wonder what is the cause of it.