In-Depth Review of Destined - the Exquisite Historical Romance Drama

Yet another historical romance drama has broken records, "Destined," led by actors Bai Jingting and Song Yi. Adapted from the novel of the same name by Mo Shubai, this drama tells a legendary love story about Gu Jiusi (played by Bai Jingting), a prodigal son in Liangzhou City, who accidentally becomes married to Liu Yuru (played by Song Yi), the daughter of a cloth merchant. Their love grows after marriage, creating a captivating narrative.

In-Depth Review of Destined - the Exquisite Historical Romance Drama

In the ancient costume drama, it is common to see the setting of marriage before love. What sets "Destined" apart? How does this epic tale of mutual growth ignite audience enthusiasm?


The Metamorphosis of the lead roles

"Destined" can be divided into three stages: Yangzhou period, Youzhou period, and Dongdu period. Episodes 1-15 primarily focus on Gu Jiusi and Liu Yuru's emotional development as they meet and get to know each other in Liangzhou. Part of the high points from the original work are derived from this stage, which helped accumulate popularity and fan base during its first week of airing.

In-Depth Review of Destined - the Exquisite Historical Romance Drama

Episodes 16-29 mainly revolve around the transformation and growth of protagonists as they journey from Yangzhou to Youzhou. The tone gradually shifts from light-hearted sweetness to profound seriousness. There is an increase in patriotism showcased along with a decrease in romantic elements; however, intense emotional scenes between Gu Jiusi and Liu Yuru still deliver powerful impact while maintaining an overall satisfying viewing experience.

In-Depth Review of Destined - the Exquisite Historical Romance Drama

It is not difficult to notice that "Destined" undergoes significant emotional fluctuations as the leading characters grow and evolve. One is a notorious prodigal son in Yangzhou, while the other is a refined young lady who has endured hardships since childhood.

In-Depth Review of Destined - the Exquisite Historical Romance Drama

Their parallel paths intersect through an accidental marriage, creating a captivating narrative of marrying the wrong person but finding true love. This premise itself holds great dramatic appeal. However, in order to broaden the story's scope and enhance its credibility, meticulous efforts are required.

Gu Jiusi comes from wealth and privilege, having been showered with parental favor since childhood. Before meeting Liu Yuru, he spends his days indulging in gambling dens and taverns. The prototype of his ideal wife is someone like himself, free-spirited, fond of revelry and travel, leaning towards idealism in choosing a partner.

In-Depth Review of Destined - the Exquisite Historical Romance Drama

Liu Yuru may be the legitimate daughter from a scholarly family background; however, due to her father's favoritism towards concubines at the expense of her mother, she holds a low status within her own household.

In-Depth Review of Destined - the Exquisite Historical Romance Drama

She tends to approach life with pessimism and believes in taking things slowly for better outcomes. Her envisioned husband prototype is someone warm-hearted, dependable, with good family values, leaning towards practicality when it comes to choosing a partner.

At first glance, these two individuals seem worlds apart on various fronts; yet upon getting married, they begin colliding head-on with each other's established routines to such an extent that their differences actually create space for complementary growth.

For Gu Jiusi initially believed that he had married someone emotionally fragile as she shed tears on their wedding day before him. Little did he know that she would be like his mentor who wields both kindness and authority over him. Under her prodding influence, he gradually shoulders his responsibilities and becomes determined to achieve academic success in order to pursue a career path.

In-Depth Review of Destined - the Exquisite Historical Romance Drama

For Liu Yuru, she initially thought that she was marrying a playboy who would bring her a lifetime of uncertainties. Little did she expect to become the important pillars of her husband's family. With the support of her in-laws, she no longer entrusts her fate solely to marriage and begins learning the ways of business. Not only does she establish her own career matrix, but step by step, she breaks through her husband's emotional defenses, making him surrender while also discovering his genuine and pure nature.

In-Depth Review of Destined - the Exquisite Historical Romance Drama

This process of "initial opposition followed by unity" actually highlights the true meaning behind the setting of "marriage before love": marriage is not a tomb for love but rather its starting point. Regardless of any kind of relationship, what matters is nurturing it.

And this emotional journey is foreshadowed from the very beginning by a prop with profound significance. When Gu Jiusi goes to rouge shop to cause trouble for Liu Yuru and declares that he will only marry her, he buys all the rouge in the shop as well. The piece he casually hands over to Liu Yuru bears four large characters that read "Tian Ci Liang Yuan (Heaven-sent perfect match)". From then on, Liu Yuru carries this rouge box with her at all times and it appears multiple times throughout the drama as key information.

In-Depth Review of Destined - the Exquisite Historical Romance Drama In-Depth Review of Destined - the Exquisite Historical Romance Drama

On their wedding day, before stepping out of the sedan chair, Liu Yuru tightly grips onto this rouge box and carefully caresses those words, providing herself with positive psychological suggestions about entering into Gu's family. After they wander together in Youzhou, Liu Yuru decides to start a business by establishing Rouge Shop. It is during this process that she truly unlocks her entrepreneurial mindset and finds confidence within herself, understanding where her true value lies: "The real Liu Yuru should be someone who ventures far and wide."

In-Depth Review of Destined - the Exquisite Historical Romance Drama

The fact that both Liu Yuru and Gu Jiusi desired revelry and travel, align perfectly with each other. At the same time, Gu Jiusi wholeheartedly supports his wife's career and provides her with equal care, fulfilling Liu Yuru's essential need for stability in marriage. Not only have they found themselves but also each other, forming a perfect emotional loop.

Behind the idealistic love story of lifelong loyalty lies the growth that comes from mutual achievement. Both parties become major catalysts in each other's personal development process, this is one of the reasons why "Destined" has captivated audiences with its broad scope.


The theme and character ensemble of "Destined"

Apart from the romantic storyline between the main characters, "Destined" shines in its underlying patriotic sentiment and pursuit of peace. The incompetent rule of the old emperor, coupled with corrupt officials causing harm to loyal subjects, has resulted in a shattered country and displaced citizens. In order to end this chaotic situation, various individuals from all walks of life gather in the turbulent world.

In-Depth Review of Destined - the Exquisite Historical Romance Drama

Within this setting, each character in the drama possesses their own unique aura. With unwavering courage and righteousness akin to Gu Jiushi and Liu Yuru, they devote themselves to the cause of their nation without wavering from their original intentions. Strategically astute and caring for the people like Zhou Ye and Ye Shi'an conspire together for a better world. There are also remarkable female figures such as Jiang Rou, who is as capable as any man from her household; Grandma Ye from the Ye family; as well as Shen Ming - an upright individual solely committed to eliminating evil and promoting goodness.

In-Depth Review of Destined - the Exquisite Historical Romance Drama

The antagonistic characters also exhibit distinctive wickedness. Zhang Shaogang's portrayal of Wang Shanquan immediately presents an unscrupulous bureaucrat driven solely by personal gain with cunning ruthlessness, his presence directly contributes to many memorable scenes throughout the drama. For instance, his negotiation with Gu Jiushi in episode nine led to significant consequences. While he appears loving towards his son before others' eyes, when it comes down to real interests at stake, he disregards even his own flesh and blood.

In-Depth Review of Destined - the Exquisite Historical Romance Drama

Notably mentioned is Luo Zishang lurking in obscurity within Yangzhou province, stirring up a storm of revenge. As a merchant with dishonest intentions but also being one among Da Rong's commoners who harms loyal subjects, delving into this detestable character reveals not only pitiable circumstances behind him but also twists within his upbringing that evoke deep sympathy.

Furthermore, there is the impressively memorable character of Boss Wan, who may not have appeared frequently in the drama but embodies a sense of sentimentality and righteousness as a merchant. Witnessing the peril faced by the Gu family, he extends his help without hesitation, using his own life to repay their kindness.

In-Depth Review of Destined - the Exquisite Historical Romance Drama

Similarly, during the turmoil in Yangzhou province when he could have successfully escaped, he willingly sacrifices himself for his family's stability. Before dead, he sings passionately about his ideals in life and entrusts Gu Jiushi with eliminating all those who manipulate conspiracies and treat lives as pawns.

In "Destined," each character strives to embody their own path of survival, while also facing their predestined life outcomes. Amidst the treacherous court intrigues and tumultuous martial world, individuals must choose whether to follow in the footsteps of Gu Jiushi, Liu Yuru, and Zhou Ye, weathering through hardships without compromising their heroic nature, bravely shouldering the responsibility for their nation and family. Alternatively, they may emulate figures like Wang Shanquan and Luo Zishang who succumb to insatiable greed, ultimately meeting a disastrous fate in the gutter. Everyone has their own set of values to consider.

In-Depth Review of Destined - the Exquisite Historical Romance Drama

These elements collectively contribute to the profound humanistic texture within "Destined." The interactions between characters extend beyond mere romantic relationships; they broaden their perspectives towards encompassing their vast homeland. Both male protagonist Gu Jiushi and female protagonist Liu Yuru undergo significant personal growth within this complex environment, their personalities becoming more fully developed and powerful.


The formidable production team

As an adaptation of a renowned original, "Destined" was highly anticipated from its inception. From the discovery of the original to the gradual release of episodes, it took nearly four years for the production team to meticulously control and maintain its quality. This dedication is closely tied to the series' positioning as one with a broad scope and genuine texture.

In-Depth Review of Destined - the Exquisite Historical Romance Drama

Every actor, whether they play major or minor roles, is required to possess suitable appearances and proficient acting skills. Judging from the final result, the actors in this drama have displayed commendable levels of accomplishment. In order to film war scenes, the creative team even enlisted close to a hundred stunt performers who underwent rigorous training for a month on set.

Lead actor Bai Jingting demonstrated early on his strong identification with his character through his initial interaction with the script and offered insightful perspectives. Lead actress Song Yi appreciated certain aspects of Liu Yuru's character that reflect modern female consciousness and her relentless pursuit in career endeavors.

In-Depth Review of Destined - the Exquisite Historical Romance Drama

In addition to casting considerations, substantial efforts were also invested in set design and costume department. According to director Yin Tao: "With 'Destined,' our plot spans across various locations such as Yangzhou, Youzhou, and Dongdu City – each requiring grandeur, poise, fullness on screen while simultaneously exuding romantic beauty and agility within emotional scenes. Only by achieving this can we truly depict both scale and authenticity."

In-Depth Review of Destined - the Exquisite Historical Romance Drama

To emphasize such intentions throughout "Destined," over a thousand custom-made costumes were created solely for this production. The styling direction also conveys characters' personalities and circumstances based on their growth trajectory alongside changes in settings.

Taking Gu Jiusi as an example, during his earlier days as a playboy, his clothing primarily consisted of vibrant red and blue colors. He also let his long hair cascade naturally, showcasing a carefree and uninhibited aspect of his character. However, as he matured to a certain stage, Gu Jiusi not only started tying up his hair but also shifted towards deeper and more subdued textures and colors in his attire, reflecting the gradual growth of his inner state.

In-Depth Review of Destined - the Exquisite Historical Romance Drama In-Depth Review of Destined - the Exquisite Historical Romance Drama

Another highlight that has received endless praise from numerous internet users is the exquisite ancient wedding costume worn by Liu Yuru. It was meticulously handcrafted by artisans over the course of two months, resulting in a delightful surprise.

In-Depth Review of Destined - the Exquisite Historical Romance Drama

The seemingly inconspicuous beggar costumes worn by the couple while escaping from Yangzhou to Youzhou were made using fabric reengineering techniques that broke away from traditional craftsmanship's monotonousness. As for the armor used in war scenes, it was crafted with molds specially created by the production team themselves.

In-Depth Review of Destined - the Exquisite Historical Romance Drama

In-Depth Review of Destined - the Exquisite Historical Romance Drama

In terms of set design, each of the three major locations where key events take place – Yangzhou, Youzhou, and Dongdu City – possesses its own distinct style.

Yangzhou showcases opulence and prosperity; beautiful snowy landscapes, romantic grasslands, and bustling market atmospheres are frequently portrayed here through vibrant color embellishments compared to other locations. Youzhou is situated inland with underdeveloped waterways and transportation networks; therefore furniture designs are predominantly based on natural wood tones when paired with costumes.

In-Depth Review of Destined - the Exquisite Historical Romance Drama

Dongdu City serves as a center of power where political struggles take place; overall ambiance exudes depth and grandeur to accentuate the turbulent yet mysterious atmosphere within court settings. When these three cities combine into one cohesive entity, "Destined" presents its unique majestic style appropriately.

In-Depth Review of Destined - the Exquisite Historical Romance Drama

In-Depth Review of Destined - the Exquisite Historical Romance Drama

It can be said that "Destined" has strived for excellence in every aspect. From its plot content and thematic intentions to set design, it possesses consistent highlights that continue to captivate viewers. Judging from the reception and popularity, the emotional setup of "marriage before love + mutual cultivation" has garnered affirmation from a large number of audiences. In the fiercely competitive summer season, "Destined" stands out solely based on its strength.

In-Depth Review of Destined - the Exquisite Historical Romance Drama

In-Depth Review of Destined - the Exquisite Historical Romance Drama

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