11 Co-Branded Hanfu Let You Enjoy Double Joy

Perhaps you have the impression that many hanfu styles are traditional and designed according to ancient paintings or relics. However, in recent years, the number of co-branded hanfu has gradually increased, covering not only hanfu style inspired by the costumes of characters from ancient cdrama, martial arts cartoons, and comics, but also many cultural heritage, games, and popularity characters that which have also collaborated with hanfu brands on co-branded models.

There are a large number of co-branded hanfu, and this article will give you an overview of some of them.


1 The Legend of Hei (罗小黑战记)

11 Co-Branded Hanfu Let You Enjoy Double Joy

The cute Luo Xiao Hei appears as a design element in this set of Ming dynasty hanfu.

11 Co-Branded Hanfu Let You Enjoy Double Joy 11 Co-Branded Hanfu Let You Enjoy Double Joy 11 Co-Branded Hanfu Let You Enjoy Double Joy 11 Co-Branded Hanfu Let You Enjoy Double Joy


2 The Legend of Qin (秦时明月)

11 Co-Branded Hanfu Let You Enjoy Double Joy

The Legend of Qin is a Chinese 3D martial arts animation series that spans 30 years from the destruction of the six kingdoms and the establishment of China's first empire to the fall of Qin, telling the inspiring story of Jing Tianming, a young man with heroic blood in his veins, who eventually grows into a hero and influences the course of history.

The following co-branded hanfu is mainly based on the three characters Duanmu Rong, Gao Yue, and Xue Nu as the inspiration.

11 Co-Branded Hanfu Let You Enjoy Double Joy 11 Co-Branded Hanfu Let You Enjoy Double Joy 11 Co-Branded Hanfu Let You Enjoy Double Joy 11 Co-Branded Hanfu Let You Enjoy Double Joy11 Co-Branded Hanfu Let You Enjoy Double Joy 11 Co-Branded Hanfu Let You Enjoy Double Joy


3 Song of Youth (玉楼春)

11 Co-Branded Hanfu Let You Enjoy Double Joy

11 Co-Branded Hanfu Let You Enjoy Double Joy

Song of Youth is a romantic costume drama released in 2021. The drama tells the story of Lin Shaochun, the daughter-in-law of an official family, who maintains the relationship between her sisters-in-law and daughters-in-law in the Sun family and solves various crises outside to finally achieve a successful life.

The two sets of hanfu are inspired by the costumes of two couples in the drama, Lin Shaochun, and Xu Fengqiao.

11 Co-Branded Hanfu Let You Enjoy Double Joy 11 Co-Branded Hanfu Let You Enjoy Double Joy 11 Co-Branded Hanfu Let You Enjoy Double Joy 11 Co-Branded Hanfu Let You Enjoy Double Joy


4 Fox Spirit Matchmaker (狐妖小红娘)

11 Co-Branded Hanfu Let You Enjoy Double Joy

Fox Spirit Matchmaker is an animated film that tells a series of interesting and mysterious stories about a fox spirit who is a matchmaker by profession, and makes marriages for lovers in their past lives.

This co-branded hanfu is inspired by the scene of the marriage between the main characters Bai Yuechu and Tushan Susu.

11 Co-Branded Hanfu Let You Enjoy Double Joy 11 Co-Branded Hanfu Let You Enjoy Double Joy


5 Little bell (阿巳与小铃铛)

11 Co-Branded Hanfu Let You Enjoy Double Joy

The little bell is a Chinese 3D animation, the main male character A Si is a high magic power spirit, the original body is a snake. The female lead Xiao Lingdang is a human girl. they meet and get to know each other, after mutual love and affection, and finally come together. Although the two often quarrel, shouting to break up, but also love each other, staged a scene of cute and funny love comedy.

The following co-branded hanfu is inspired by the costumes of A Si and Xiao Lingdang from Little bell.

11 Co-Branded Hanfu Let You Enjoy Double Joy 11 Co-Branded Hanfu Let You Enjoy Double Joy 11 Co-Branded Hanfu Let You Enjoy Double Joy 11 Co-Branded Hanfu Let You Enjoy Double Joy 11 Co-Branded Hanfu Let You Enjoy Double Joy 11 Co-Branded Hanfu Let You Enjoy Double Joy


6 Tang Palace Night Banquet (唐宫夜宴)

11 Co-Branded Hanfu Let You Enjoy Double Joy

This hanfu is inspired by the dance costume in the 2021 Henan TV Spring Festival Gala program "Tang Palace Night Banquet".

11 Co-Branded Hanfu Let You Enjoy Double Joy 11 Co-Branded Hanfu Let You Enjoy Double Joy


7 China National Peking Opera Company (中国国家京剧院)

11 Co-Branded Hanfu Let You Enjoy Double Joy

Beijing Opera, one of China's national treasures, is the most influential opera genre in China.

11 Co-Branded Hanfu Let You Enjoy Double Joy
11 Co-Branded Hanfu Let You Enjoy Double Joy

Are the Beijing Opera Costume the Same to Hanfu Costume?

This Ming Dynasty hanfu perfectly incorporates the characteristics of Peking Opera costumes, with extensive embroidery applications, gorgeous color schemes, and luxurious Yunjian.

11 Co-Branded Hanfu Let You Enjoy Double Joy 11 Co-Branded Hanfu Let You Enjoy Double Joy 11 Co-Branded Hanfu Let You Enjoy Double Joy 11 Co-Branded Hanfu Let You Enjoy Double Joy


8 Sanrio

The lovely Cinnamoroll and My Melody appear as design elements in this set of Ming dynasty hanfu.

11 Co-Branded Hanfu Let You Enjoy Double Joy 11 Co-Branded Hanfu Let You Enjoy Double Joy 11 Co-Branded Hanfu Let You Enjoy Double Joy 11 Co-Branded Hanfu Let You Enjoy Double Joy


9 Canal Towns (江南百景图)

11 Co-Branded Hanfu Let You Enjoy Double Joy

Canal Towns is an ancient style management game. Players will dream back to the Jiangnan area of the Ming Dynasty and become the designer of the city, drawing blueprints, building construction, planning the layout, and managing money. At the same time, arrange the residents to live and work, write about the world, or lead the adventure. Redrawing Ming dynasty Jiangnan scenery, to create a unique ancient city.

11 Co-Branded Hanfu Let You Enjoy Double Joy 11 Co-Branded Hanfu Let You Enjoy Double Joy 11 Co-Branded Hanfu Let You Enjoy Double Joy

The following co-branded models are designed with Tang Yin, Wu Li and Li Niang in the game as inspiration.

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10 Moonlight Blade (天涯明月刀)

11 Co-Branded Hanfu Let You Enjoy Double Joy

A series of co-branded hanfu inspired by the character costumes in Moonlight Blade online game.

11 Co-Branded Hanfu Let You Enjoy Double Joy 11 Co-Branded Hanfu Let You Enjoy Double Joy 11 Co-Branded Hanfu Let You Enjoy Double Joy 11 Co-Branded Hanfu Let You Enjoy Double Joy 11 Co-Branded Hanfu Let You Enjoy Double Joy 11 Co-Branded Hanfu Let You Enjoy Double Joy

11 Co-Branded Hanfu Let You Enjoy Double Joy

More about Co-Branded Hanfu:

11 Co-Branded Hanfu Let You Enjoy Double Joy
11 Co-Branded Hanfu Let You Enjoy Double Joy

5 Games' New Collaboration with Hanfu, Which is Your Favorite?

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3 Comment(s) A文章作者 M管理员
  1. pelangis821

    Suka semuanya ,😍😍

  2. TaylaEtLoudrey

    I love the details in Ming Dinasty Hanfu, so beautiful!

  3. Jimmymy

    Love the set in Moonlight Blade!!!😍